internet configuration

  • hi! i just bought my redhat 9!!! i installed without problems, he reconized all my hardware and everything was very easy!
    now the prblem is that in my Studentenheim the internet has to be configured, you know DNS addresses and stuff. i did it in windows and was easy but im new to the linux world and have no idea on how to do it there.
    the information i get is:

    IP Address <---the last 3 numbers are my PCs number
    Subnetmask 255.etc..
    DNS 193.etc..
    DNS(alternativ) 131.etc..
    Gateway 193.etc..

    Proxyserver 193.etc..
    Anschluss 31xx

    it would be nice if some1 could tell me where to put all those adressess.. in windows i found it right away and works fine as u can see :), but in linux i searched and couldn find it. im using gnome GUI.
    if u need any other info just ask 4 it and ill post it.
    thx 4 ur help!

    ich kann deutsch ziemlich gut aber english ist ein bissl einfacher :P, so feel free to post your answer in german!

  • in der ct war mal ein seitenlanger artikel
    in der tu bibleothek haben sie die dinger von den letzten 10 jahren

    In der Banalität liegt die Genialität

  • well, configure the network in RH is easy...

    i have the german version of rh9, so i only can tell you the german terms used.. but the menu is straight forward.. so will find the settings easy..

    in the terminal start

    then a menu will pop-up
    in the first tab your network cards will be listed...
    select the network card and press 'bearbeiten' ('edit')

    then you can assign an ip adress or resolve an ip adress from an dhcp server.
    when you have finished with the settings press 'OK'
    back in the first menu, there is a tab called DNS, where you can setup your dns config.
    ignore it if you selected to resolve your ip from an dhcp server.


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