Business Partner Wanted!

  • Dear Programmers of Vienna,

    Before you ask why this thread is written in English, I'll answer this first by introducing myself briefly. My name is Danny and although I was born in Vienna, I moved to Australia when I was 10 years old. As such, my education has been primarily in English and I didn't want to make a first negative impression by attempting to write in my somewhat lacking German skills. I've been living back in Vienna for almost 3 years and have decided that I want to start my own business here with the vision of expanding internationally. My background is in Sales and Business Development, and am therefore looking for a business partner who has been taught the fine art of programming.

    What I need is a person with experience in programming responsive websites and apps using Android and iOS. This can of course be a current student but needs to be able to follow through! Some references would be great.

    I have developed marketing strategies that will assist in the rapid sharing of this app with word of mouth being the main driver to attract new users. Now all I need is YOU! Together with a website designer who is already on board, we will determine a time plan in which we can roll out a basic version of the website in order to get out in the market. Soon after, further exciting functions and an app will follow.

    You may be thinking: He seems to be eager enough but how does he want to earn money? I have concluded 10 potential client surveys from which 6 responses have stated they would be very interested in the product and willing to spend money in order to use it. These 10 are only a miniscule fraction of what is available in Vienna, not to mention the world.
    If you are interested in establishing a Start-Up with me and want to hear more about the idea, I would very much like to hear from you.
    Either way, I wish each of you all the best in your endeavours and your plans for the future.

    Danny Klas
    t: +43 699 172 803 68

  • Vielen Dank für die privaten Nachrichten die ich bis jetzt erhalten habe. Ich werde mich demnächst bei euch melden. Wenn sonst noch wer Interesse hat, last euch das englische nicht abschrecken. Kann mich auch gut in deutsch verständigen

Jetzt mitmachen!

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