[Employed or Freelance] Data Scientist @ Flowtap

  • Flowtap (http://www.flowtap.com) is seeking a Data Scientist to join our team in Vienna. We are offering an employment option as well as freelancing possibilities.

    Flowtap helps companies improve their business with data science and artificial intelligence. We provide data analysis and consulting to international companies and embed our AI-driven smart assistant technology into their systems and processes. In times of information overflow, we aim to give people a tool that lets them take effective action and see what’s essential.
    Flowtap was founded by two passionate technologists, is already making customers more successful and is part of the global Microsoft Ventures Accelerator network.

    We are building an ambitious team of people who want to solve hard business problems, understand how to communicate with data and are passionate about the potential of AI in the enterprise.

    Your mission:
    - Apply Data Science methods to business data from Sales & Marketing – that means exploring, modeling and visualizing data
    - Build Machine Learning models to predict the result of business processes (e.g. Will the customer buy again?, How likely is a specific customer to churn?)
    - Discuss and benchmark your findings with the rest of the team!

    Required skills:
    - Good knowledge of either R or Python
    - Good understanding of Statistics and statistical analysis of data
    - Experience in visualizing and explaining your insights
    - Experience with Machine Learning concepts and models
    - Attention to detail

    Location: 1010 Vienna

    • Employment option: Starting from 35.000 EUR / year gross (ultimately dependent on your skill level)
    • Freelancing: 30-80 EUR/h for freelancing (dependent on your skill level). You can work remote, but need to be able to come to our offices regularly for reviews.

    More information: http://www.flowtap.com/jobs/


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