Php Gästebuch ohne mySQL

  • kann mir jemand sagen, was bei diesem code nicht stimmt? wenn ich einen eintrag verfasse und auf sign klicke, wird weder ein neuer eintrag angelegt noch wird eine fehlermeldung ausgegeben.


    //******************>>EDIT HERE<<***************
    $gbfile = "gb.entrys"; // chmod 666 this file!
    $backgroundcolor = "black";
    $text = "white";
    $bordercolor= "";
    $link = "silver";
    $linkhover = "white";
    $gblogo = "./gb.gif";
    <!--This Guestbook is made by Electron...pls don't ripp anything...!-->
    <!--Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Electron - -->
    td { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt}
    A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: <?echo $link;?>}
    <!--A {text-decoration: none; color: <?echo $link;?>}-->
    <!--A:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: <?echo $linkhover;?>;}-->
    <? echo "<body bgcolor=\"$backgroundcolor\" text=\"$text\">"; ?>
    <img src=<?echo $gblogo;?>><p>
    if (!file_exists("$gbfile")) { echo "ERROR!<p><center>create file $gbfile and chmod 666 the file!<br><br><br><table border=0 width=100%><td bgcolor=gray><center></td></table>"; die(); }
    $formstyle = "STYLE=\"BORDER: gray 1px solid; WIDTH: 144px; height: 17px; color:silver; font-size: 10; background: #313131;\" size=25";
    <form action=<?$PHP_SELF?>?add=entry method=post>
    <td><font face=tahoma size=1>Name:</td>
    <td><input name="name" <? echo $formstyle; ?>></td><tr>
    <td><font face=tahoma size=1>E-Mail:</td>
    <td><input name="email" <? echo $formstyle; ?>></td><tr>
    <td><font face=tahoma size=1>URL:</td>
    <td><input name="url" <? echo $formstyle; ?> value=http://></td><tr>
    <td valign=top><font face=tahoma size=1>Comments:</td>
    <textarea type="comment" name="comments" STYLE="overflow:hidden; BORDER: gray 1px solid; color: silver; WIDTH: 144px; height: 70px; font-size: 10; background: #313131"; cols=35 rows=5></textarea>
    <input type=submit value="Sign" STYLE="BORDER: gray 1px solid; color: silver; font-size: 10; background: #313131; width:50px;">
    <input type=reset value="Reset" STYLE="BORDER: gray 1px solid; color: silver; font-size: 10; background: #313131; width:50px;">
    <p><table border=0 cellspacing=0 width=550 height=100%><td valign=top>
    $today = getdate();
    $month = $today[month];
    $mday = $today[mday];
    $year = $today[year];
    $zeituhr = "$month $mday, $year";

    if($add == "entry") {
    if($name == "" || $comments == "") { echo "<center>Please enter your: name and comment.<p>"; }
    else {
    if($url == "http://" || $url == "") { $url = "</a>none"; }
    if($email == "") { $email = "</a>none";}
    $filesize = filesize($gbfile);
    $file = fopen("$gbfile","r");
    $buffer = fread($file,$filesize);

    $file = fopen("$gbfile","w");
    //$parsed_message = strip_tags($comments,"<a>,<i>");
    //$comments_br = str_replace("\n","<br>",$parsed_message);
    $comments = str_replace("<iframe","&ltimg src=",$comments);
    $comments = str_replace("<img src=","&lt;img src=",$comments);
    $comments = str_replace("<i>","",$comments);
    $comments = str_replace("<meta","&ltmeta",$comments);
    $comments = str_replace("<","&lt;",$comments);
    $comments = str_replace(">","&gt;",$comments);
    $comments = str_replace("|","&brvbar;",$comments);
    $comments = str_replace("\n","<br>",$comments);
    $today = date( "Ymd", time() );
    $index = date("YmdHis",time());
    $message_table ="$index | $zeituhr | $REMOTE_ADDR | $name | $email | $url | $comments";
    echo "<center>entry added!<p>";
    //gb infos
    $data = file("$gbfile");
    $max = count($data);
    $pages = ($max / 10 + 1);
    $size = (filesize($gbfile) / 1024);
    if(filesize($gbfile) == 0) { $max = "1"; }
    echo "<center>entries: $max, pages: " . round($pages, 0) . ", size: " . round($size, 2) . "kB<p>";

    $msg = 10;
    $data = file("$gbfile");
    rsort ($data);
    $max = count($data);
    else{$tmp = $pg -1; print("<center>< <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?pg=$tmp\">back</a>");}
    $tmp = $pg * $msg + $msg;
    print(" | ");
    if ($max > $tmp){$tmp = $pg +1; print ("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?pg=$tmp\">next</a> ><p>");}
    else {print("next<p>");}
    $start = $pg * $msg;
    $end = $pg * $msg + $msg;;
    if ($end > $max){$end=$max;}

    if(filesize($gbfile) == 0) {
    "<table border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bordercolor=\"$bordercolor\"><td><table border=0>
    <td>E-Mail:</td><td><a href=\"\"></a></td><tr>
    <td>URL:</td><td><a href=\"" target=_blank></a></td><tr>
    <td valign=top width=85>Comment:</td><td>Hi, have a lot of fun with this guestbook ;) bye.<br><font size=1>(this entry becomes deleted automatically)</td>
    <table border=0 width=100%></td></table></table><p>\n";


    for ($u=$start; $u<$end; $u++)
    $info = explode("|",$data[$u]);
    if($info[7] != "") { $info[7] = "<p><i>Admin:<br>$info[7]</i>"; }
    $info[6] = wordwrap( $info[6], 50, "\n", 1);
    $info[3] = wordwrap( $info[3], 50, "\n", 1);
    $info[4] = wordwrap( $info[4], 50, "\n", 1);
    "<table border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bordercolor=\"$bordercolor\"><td><table border=0>
    <td>E-Mail:</td><td><a href=\"mailto:$info[4]\">$info[4]</a></td><tr>
    <td>URL:</td><td><a href=\"$info[5]\" target=_blank>$info[5]</a></td><tr>
    <td valign=top width=85>Comment:</td><td>$info[6] $info[7]</td>
    echo "</td></table><table border=0 width=100% ><td bgcolor=gray><center><font face=tahoma size=1>Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by <a href=\"" target=_blank>Electron -</a></td></table>";

    "die antworten liegen in mir", sagte alice, als sie lächelnd durch den spiegel trat

  • das direkte auslesen von Variablen aus POST und GET wurde in den letzten Jahren irgendwann mal deaktiviert...

    heißt jetzt:

Jetzt mitmachen!

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