Ich poste auf englisch, wenn es euch nicht stört (da ich schon einmal gepostet habe, nur leider vergeblich):
I have two questions concerning forms
Question 1:
I have two subforms on exactly the same place. they are even the same, but one is for reading and the other one is for inserting records.
I wanted to put depending on which command button was clicked, to show the one with Data Entry = true or Data Entry = false.
how can I do
Data Entry = true
Data Entry = false
in VBA to diversify those forms? There is no field like that?
a workaround (or maybe the most common solution) seems to be: docmd.gotorecord , , acNewRec. but it doesn't work. docmd.gotorecord shall display instead of an existing record the empty form with possibility to enter values?
Question 2:
I have a subform with a text box called textbox1. So, if I click textbox1, the combobox1 of the mainFrame should be updated with the value, I insert into the textBox1.
the combobox1 was created with the wizard, so it has a query itself in the raw source. Select * from qry_selectMethod Where..."
I read in many communities, that the combobox as a control source has strange behavior, and especially the requery method seems to have troubles.
Especially: PRESSING F9 after having change the text box WORKS! Isn't that strange? But the requery command in vba code doesn't.
here the textbox: Forms![frm_newEntry_newOutput]![frm_SeeMethodsForSelectedMethodType_newEntry].Form![textbox1]
here the combobox: Forms![frm_newEntry_newOutput]![combobox1]
Private Sub textbox1_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Bitte um Hilfe!