Execute command stored in variable

  • I want to merge many log files (values??.tmp) to one file (values.log):

    e.g. cat values1.tmp values2.tmp >> values.log

    I made this:

    How to execute $cmd at the prompt as typed?

  • Ok, I tried this:

    But I get this:

    cat: >>: No such file or directory
    cat: Comps_.log: No such file or directory
    test.sh: line 13: local: can only be used in a function

    How handling the >> ?

  • [edit]
    or at the command prompt:

    $ cat values?.tmp > values.log


    Willfähriges Mitglied des Fefe-Zeitbinder-Botnets und der Open Source Tea Party.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kampi (23. Juni 2008 um 14:48)

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