3D Programmierer (C++)

  • hallo, ich will 3d programmierer werden und suche die richtigen lern bürcher und info über was genau ich lernen sollte, ich habe auf der blizzard job seite diese punkte gefunden die teoretisch wichtig sind, kann einer diese korrigieren oder ergänzen? und mir bücher empfehlen.


    * Advanced understanding of C++
    * Experience developing Windows GUI applications using Win32, MFC, wxWindows, or Qt
    * Strong mathematics skills, including proficiency with trigonometry and linear algebra
    * UI design experience
    * Strong communication skills
    * Ability to work in a collaborative team environment and handle multiple projects simultaneously
    * Service-oriented attitude with an eye for efficiency and workflow
    * Advanced understanding of game content pipeline and tools


    * Detailed knowledge of 3D graphics, animation, camera control, and lighting
    * Experience with Lua or other interpreted languages
    * Experience with Subversion or Perforce
    * Experience using SQL databases -- database design, stored procedures
    * Experience shipping multiple game titles
    * Experience with Maya and MEL Scripts

    ich habe auserdem kurse gefunden:


    in diese kurse werden ausdem die beiden bücher benutzt:


    was haltet ihr davon?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tingle (19. Dezember 2008 um 13:11)

  • fake

    There's a place in the dark where the animals go
    you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow
    Juliet loves a beat and the lust it commands
    drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands - Romeo

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