Call for applications -- Google Summer Of Code 2011

  • The Point Cloud Library (PCL) --, is one of the
    mentoring organizations accepted for the Google Summer Of Code 2011.

    PCL is a large scale, BSD licensed, open project for 3D point cloud processing.
    The PCL framework contains numerous state-of-the art algorithms including
    filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, registration, model
    fitting and segmentation. These algorithms can be used, for example, to filter
    outliers from noisy data, stitch 3D point clouds together to create 3D
    panoramas, segment relevant parts of a scene, extract keypoints and compute
    descriptors to recognize objects in the world based on their geometric
    appearance, and create surfaces from point clouds and visualize them -- to name
    a few. PCL contains an OpenNI interface, and is thus able to process data
    coming from the recently released Microsoft Kinect and PrimeSense PSDK 3D

    We are searching for talented students, with good C++ programming background,
    and a passion for 3D processing. Please check our proposed list of projects at, and submit your applications to until April 8th.

    The work that you will be doing will be released as open source into the next
    release of PCL, and you will be rewarded with $5000 from Google.

    PCL is supported by an international community and includes developers and/or
    financial sponsors from the following instutions: AIST, UC Berkeley, University
    of Bonn, University of British Columbia, ETH Zurich, University of Freiburg,
    Intel Research Seattle, LAAS/CNRS, MIT, NVidia, University of Osnabrueck,
    Stanford University, TU Munich, University of Tokyo, Willow Garage, TU Wien,
    and Washington University in St. Louis.


    Manuel Kuhn
    Technische Universität Wien
    Institut für Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik
    Gußhausstraße 27-29 / E376 | DVR: 0005886
    A-1040 Wien
    Tel: + 43 (0) 1 58801- 376 616
    Fax: + 43 (0) 1 58801- 37697

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