AIESEC - Skill Development and Leadership for TU Students

  • AIESEC - Skill Development and Leadership

    [INDENT]This month, AIESEC in Austria is organizing the autumn recruitment to find the most enthusiastic, proactive and talented students.

    So, do you know what AIESEC is?
    Tens of thousands of students and recent graduates, each year, in over 110 countries, manage an organisation that facilitates tens of thousands of international exchanges so that young people may experience and understand cultures other than their own.
    We believe that being part of this global community, taking these management and leadership opportunities and having the chance to learn and question our roles in society gives us as AIESECers a bit of power and direction in becoming change agents for positive impact.

    Why join AIESEC? Top 5 Benefits
    Because, being an AIESEC member you have the chance to:

    > Develop skills and competencies that will advance your employability
    > Network and meet new people in your university, around Austria & in the 110 countries we are present
    > Build a network with some of your dream employers, our alumni and future CEO's & Global Leaders
    > Work together with like-minded people on the global projects around world issues, leadership and management
    > Gain leadership-experience starting from team leader up to senior management

    AIESEC Information Evenings
    Are you not convinced yet? Still need to have a great talk with one of our members? Join us at our info-sessions!
    Wed 17.10.
    Wed 24.10.

    Or simply apply:[/INDENT]

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