Beiträge von markus

    ichbekomme folgende fehlermeldugen wenn ich ein bereits vorgefertigtes programm laufen lassse und kann mir das (als nicht programmierprofi) nicht erklären.....
    bin dankbar über jeden tipp

    --------------------Konfiguration: hough3d - Win32 Debug--------------------
    Linker-Vorgang läuft...
    MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCRTD.dll) : error LNK2005: _ceil bereits in LIBCD.lib(ceil.obj) definiert
    MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCRTD.dll) : error LNK2005: _malloc bereits in LIBCD.lib(dbgheap.obj) definiert
    MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCRTD.dll) : error LNK2005: _free bereits in LIBCD.lib(dbgheap.obj) definiert
    MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCRTD.dll) : error LNK2005: _strncpy bereits in LIBCD.lib(strncpy.obj) definiert
    MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCRTD.dll) : error LNK2005: _tolower bereits in LIBCD.lib(tolower.obj) definiert
    MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCRTD.dll) : error LNK2005: _sprintf bereits in LIBCD.lib(sprintf.obj) definiert
    LINK : warning LNK4098: Standardbibliothek "MSVCRTD" steht in Konflikt mit anderen Bibliotheken; /NODEFAULT:Bibliothek verwenden
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: class vtkPolyData * __thiscall vtkPolyDataSource::GetOutput(void)" (?GetOutput@vtkPolyDataSource@@QAEPAVvtkPolyData@@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkLineSource * __cdecl vtkLineSource::New(void)" (?New@vtkLineSource@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkTransformPolyDataFilter * __cdecl vtkTransformPolyDataFilter::New(void)" (?New@vtkTransformPolyDataFilter@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: void __thiscall vtkRenderWindowInteractor::SetRenderWindow(class vtkRenderWindow *)" (?SetRenderWindow@vtkRenderWindowInteractor@@QAEXPAVvtkRenderWindow@@@Z)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkRenderWindowInteractor * __cdecl vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New(void)" (?New@vtkRenderWindowInteractor@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: void __thiscall vtkRenderWindow::AddRenderer(class vtkRenderer *)" (?AddRenderer@vtkRenderWindow@@QAEXPAVvtkRenderer@@@Z)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkRenderWindow * __cdecl vtkRenderWindow::New(void)" (?New@vtkRenderWindow@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: void __thiscall vtkRenderer::ResetCamera(void)" (?ResetCamera@vtkRenderer@@QAEXXZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkRenderer * __cdecl vtkRenderer::New(void)" (?New@vtkRenderer@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: void __thiscall vtkActor::SetProperty(class vtkProperty *)" (?SetProperty@vtkActor@@QAEXPAVvtkProperty@@@Z)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: void __thiscall vtkProperty::SetColor(float,float,float)" (?SetColor@vtkProperty@@QAEXMMM@Z)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkProperty * __cdecl vtkProperty::New(void)" (?New@vtkProperty@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkActor * __cdecl vtkActor::New(void)" (?New@vtkActor@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: void __thiscall vtkPolyDataMapper::SetInput(class vtkPolyData *)" (?SetInput@vtkPolyDataMapper@@QAEXPAVvtkPolyData@@@Z)
    hough.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: static class vtkPolyDataMapper * __cdecl vtkPolyDataMapper::New(void)" (?New@vtkPolyDataMapper@@SAPAV1@XZ)
    Debug/hough3d.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 15 unaufgeloeste externe Verweise
    Fehler beim Ausführen von link.exe.

    hough3d.exe - 22 Fehler, 1 Warnung(en)


    ich suchen ein gutes VTK tutorial, softwareguide.... am besten pdf. weiß jemand von euch, wo so etwas zum download bereitsteht?



    vielleicht eine ganz dumme frage: was ist eigentlich cvs.
    ich wollte das benutzen weil auf zum download verlangt und weiß net wie. hab das in der dos-eingabeaufforderung verwendet. klappt nicht. wollt mir dann ein "cvs- programm" runterladen aber war nciht von erfolg gekrönt.
    woher krieg ich das? (bzw was is das?)
    danke markus

    also ich hab bei den projekteinstellungen bei der präprozessorregisterkarte zus. includeverzeichnisse angegeben, und beider linkerregisterkarte einen zus bibliothekspfad angegeben
    eigentlich sollte das ja gehen weil das nix selbstgeschriebenes ist.....siehe....sourcecode....



    Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
    Module: $RCSfile: MeshTraits.cxx,v $
    Language: C++
    Date: $Date: 2003/09/10 14:29:52 $
    Version: $Revision: 1.9 $

    Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
    See ITKCopyright.txt or for details.

    This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
    PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.


    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // This section illustrates the full power of
    // \href{}{Generic
    // Programming}. This is sometimes perceived as \emph{too much of a good
    // thing}!
    // The toolkit has been designed to offer flexibility while keeping the
    // complexity of the code to a moderate level. This is achieved in the Mesh by
    // hiding most of its parameters and defining reasonable defaults for them.
    // The generic concept of a mesh integrates many different elements. It is
    // possible in principle to use independent types for every one of such
    // elements. The mechanism used in generic programming for specifying the many
    // different types involved in a concept is called \emph{traits}. They are
    // basically the list of all types that interact with the current class.
    // The \doxygen{Mesh} is templated over three parameters. So far only two of
    // them have been discussed, namely the \code{PixelType} and the
    // \code{Dimension}. The third parameter is a class providing the set of
    // traits required by the mesh. When the third parameter is omitted a default
    // class is used. This default class is the \doxygen{DefaultStaticMeshTraits}.
    // If you want to customize the types used by the mesh, the way to proceed is
    // to modify the default traits and provide them as the third parameter of the
    // Mesh class instantiation.
    // There are two ways of achieving this. The first is to use the existing
    // DefaultStaticMeshTraits class. This class is itself templated
    // over six parameters. Customizing those parameters could provide enough
    // flexibility to define a very specific kind of mesh. The second way is to
    // write a traits class from scratch, in which case the easiest way to proceed
    // is to copy the DefaultStaticMeshTraits into another file and edit
    // its content. Only the first approach is illustrated here. The second is
    // discouraged unless you are familiar with Generic Programming, feel
    // comfortable with C++ templates and have access to an abundant supply of
    // (Columbian) coffee.
    // The first step in customizing the mesh is to include the header file of the
    // Mesh and its static traits.
    // \index{itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits!Header}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    #include "itkMesh.h"
    #include "itkDefaultStaticMeshTraits.h"
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    #include "itkLineCell.h"
    #include "itkVector.h"
    #include "itkMatrix.h"

    int main()
    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // Then the MeshTraits class is instantiated by selecting the types of each
    // one of its six template arguments. They are in order
    // \begin{description}
    // \item[PixelType.] The type associated with every point.
    // \item[PointDimension.] The dimension of the space in which the mesh is embedded.
    // \item[MaxTopologicalDimension.] The highest dimension of the mesh cells.
    // \item[CoordRepType.] The type used to represent space coordinates.
    // \item[InterpolationWeightType.] The type used to represent interpolation weights.
    // \item[CellPixelType.] The type associated with every cell.
    // \end{description}
    // Let's define types and values for each one of those elements. For example
    // the following code will use points in 3D space as nodes of the
    // Mesh. The maximum dimension of the cells will be two which means
    // that this is a 2D manifold better know as a \emph{surface}. The data type
    // associated with points is defined to be a four-dimensional vector. This
    // type could represent values of membership for a four-classes segmentation
    // method. The value selected for the cells are $4\times3$ matrices which could
    // have for example the derivative of the membership values with respect to
    // coordinates in space. Finally a \code{double} type is selected for
    // representing space coordinates on the mesh points and also for the weight
    // used for interpolating values.
    // \index{itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits!Instantiation}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    const unsigned int PointDimension = 3;
    const unsigned int MaxTopologicalDimension = 2;

    typedef itk::Vector<double,4> PixelType;
    typedef itk::Matrix<double,4,3> CellDataType;

    typedef double CoordinateType;
    typedef double InterpolationWeightType;

    typedef itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits<
    PixelType, PointDimension, MaxTopologicalDimension,
    CoordinateType, InterpolationWeightType, CellDataType > MeshTraits;

    typedef itk::Mesh< PixelType, PointDimension, MeshTraits > MeshType;
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // The \doxygen{LineCell} type can now be instantiated using the traits
    // taken from the Mesh.
    // \index{itk::LineCell!Instantiation}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    typedef MeshType::CellType CellType;
    typedef itk::LineCell< CellType > LineType;
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // Let's now create an Mesh and insert some points on it. Note
    // that the dimension of the points matches the dimension of the Mesh. Here
    // we insert a sequence of points that look like a plot of the $log()$
    // function.
    // \index{itk::Mesh!New()}
    // \index{itk::Mesh!SetPoint()}
    // \index{itk::Mesh!PointType}
    // \index{itk::Mesh!Pointer}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    MeshType::Pointer mesh = MeshType::New();

    typedef MeshType::PointType PointType;
    PointType point;

    const unsigned int numberOfPoints = 10;
    for(unsigned int id=0; id<numberOfPoints; id++)
    point[0]; // Initialize points here
    mesh->SetPoint( id, point );
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // A set of line cells is created and associated with the existing points by
    // using point identifiers. In this simple case, the point identifiers can
    // be deduced from cell identifiers since the line cells are ordered in the
    // same way.
    // \index{itk::AutoPointer!TakeOwnership()}
    // \index{CellAutoPointer!TakeOwnership()}
    // \index{CellType!creation}
    // \index{itk::Mesh!SetCell()}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    CellType::CellAutoPointer line;
    const unsigned int numberOfCells = numberOfPoints-1;
    for(unsigned int cellId=0; cellId<numberOfCells; cellId++)
    line.TakeOwnership( new LineType );
    line->SetPointId( 0, cellId ); // first point
    line->SetPointId( 1, cellId+1 ); // second point
    mesh->SetCell( cellId, line ); // insert the cell
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    std::cout << "Points = " << mesh->GetNumberOfPoints() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Cells = " << mesh->GetNumberOfCells() << std::endl;

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // Data associated with cells is inserted in the Mesh by using
    // the \code{SetCellData()} method. It requires the user to provide an
    // identifier and the value to be inserted. The identifier should match one
    // of the inserted cells. In this simple example, the square of the cell
    // identifier is used as cell data. Note the use of \code{static\_cast} to
    // \code{PixelType} in the assignment.
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    for(unsigned int cellId=0; cellId<numberOfCells; cellId++)
    CellDataType value;
    mesh->SetCellData( cellId, value );

    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // Cell data can be read from the Mesh with the
    // \code{GetCellData()} method. It requires the user to provide the
    // identifier of the cell for which the data is to be retrieved. The user
    // should provide also a valid pointer to a location where the data can be
    // copied.
    // \index{itk::Mesh!GetCellData()}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    for(unsigned int cellId=0; cellId<numberOfCells; cellId++)
    CellDataType value;
    mesh->GetCellData( cellId, &value );
    std::cout << "Cell " << cellId << " = " << value << std::endl;
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // Neither \code{SetCellData()} or \code{GetCellData()} are efficient ways
    // to access cell data. Efficient access to cell data can be achieved
    // by using the Iterators built into the CellDataContainer.
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    typedef MeshType::CellDataContainer::ConstIterator CellDataIterator;
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // Note that the \code{ConstIterator} is used here because the data is only
    // going to be read. This approach is exactly the same already illustrated
    // for getting access to point data. The iterator to the first cell data
    // item can be obtained with the \code{Begin()} method of the
    // CellDataContainer. The past-end iterator is returned by the \code{End()}
    // method. The cell data container itself can be obtained from the mesh with
    // the method \code{GetCellData()}.
    // \index{itk::Mesh!Iterating cell data}
    // \index{itk::Mesh!GetCellData()}
    // \index{CellDataContainer!Begin()}
    // \index{CellDataContainer!End()}
    // \index{CellDataContainer!Iterator}
    // \index{CellDataContainer!ConstIterator}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    CellDataIterator cellDataIterator = mesh->GetCellData()->Begin();
    CellDataIterator end = mesh->GetCellData()->End();
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    // Software Guide : BeginLatex
    // Finally a standard loop is used to iterate over all the cell data
    // entries. Note the use of the \code{Value()} method used to get the actual
    // value of the data entry. \code{PixelType} elements are returned by copy.
    // \index{CellDataIterator!Value()}
    // \index{CellDataIterator!increment}
    // Software Guide : EndLatex

    // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
    while( cellDataIterator != end )
    CellDataType cellValue = cellDataIterator.Value();
    std::cout << cellValue << std::endl;
    // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet

    return 0;


    ich probier grad mit einem toolkit in visual c++ rum, und bei gewissen testprogrammen krieg ich fehlermeldungen wo ich nicht weiß warum. konkret immer beim linken. das aktuelle beispiel ist:

    --------------------Konfiguration: MeshTraits - Win32 Debug--------------------
    Linker-Vorgang läuft...
    MeshTraits.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol "public: void __thiscall vnl_matrix_fixed<double,4,3>::print(class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &)const " (?print@?$vnl_matrix_fixed@N$03$02@@QBEXAAV?$basic
    Debug/MeshTraits.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unaufgeloeste externe Verweise
    Fehler beim Ausführen von link.exe.

    MeshTraits.exe - 2 Fehler, 0 Warnung(en)

    der LNK2001 ist dieklassische fehlermeldung. als nicht programmierprofi weiß ich jetzt nicht wp, was.. ich ändern muss. jetzt hoff ich stark auf euch



    ich steh vor der aufgabe, 3D algorithmen zu implementieren. es geht um registrierung, surface matching. nun fehlt mir die erfahrung, wo ich das am besten (und auch am einfachsten) implementieren kann. ich kenn VTK und Khoros, beide eher nur vom namen her. Habt ihr erfahrungswerte, für welche anwendungen was sinnvoll ist, bzw gibts andere software auch noch - frei erhältlich.


    MichiK: Danke für seine Mühe

    so ganz klappts immer noch nicht. zumindest hab ich jetzt wieder den zusatand erreicht den ich schon mal hatte, wie ich mich jetzt erinnere.

    --------------------Konfiguration: RUN_TESTS - Win32 Debug--------------------
    Testing TestCxxFeatures Passed
    Testing TestInstantiator Passed
    Changing directory into K:\VTK\vtkbin\Filtering\Testing\Cxx
    Testing otherColorTransferFunction Passed
    Changing directory into K:\VTK\vtkbin\Graphics\Testing\Cxx
    c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe auf Anforderung des Benutzers abgebrochen.
    Ausführen des Tools vom Benutzer abgebrochen.

    Da hab ich abgebrochen

    2 fenster öffneten sich - im vtkoutputwindow stehen folgende meldungen
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    ich bin der meinung, mich brav an michiK´s Kochrezept bzw. an…/uebung_01.html gehalten zu haben.

    hätt wohl besser informatik studieren sollen ;)

    so, wieder auf meinem stammrechner...
    folgende fehlermeldungen bekomm ich:

    Changing directory into K:\neuer versuch\vtkbin\Common\Testing\Tcl
    Testing otherInterp CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing otherPrint CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing TestEmptyInput CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing TestSetGet CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing TestArrays CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing otherDataSetAttributes CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing TestAmoebaMinimizer CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing PrintSelf-Common CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found./.\Debug/TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Unable to find executable: TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Testing TestSetObjectMacro-Common CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found./.\Debug/TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Unable to find executable: TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Changing directory into K:\neuer versuch\vtkbin\Filtering\Testing\Cxx
    Testing otherColorTransferFunction Passed
    Changing directory into K:\neuer versuch\vtkbin\Filtering\Testing\Tcl
    Testing closedSplines-image CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing CSpline-image CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing KSpline-image CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing SelectionLoop-image CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing ImplicitSum-image CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing PerlinNoise-image CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing squadViewer-image CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found.K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/.\Debug/vtk
    Unable to find executable: K:/neuer versuch/vtkbin/bin/vtk
    Testing PrintSelf-Filtering CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found./.\Debug/TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Unable to find executable: TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Testing TestSetObjectMacro-Filtering CMake Error: config type specified on the command line, but test executable not found./.\Debug/TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Unable to find executable: TCL_TCLSH-NOTFOUND
    Changing directory into K:\neuer versuch\vtkbin\Graphics\Testing\Cxx

    wenn ich auf erstelllen - ausführen geh....


    mindestens eine datei ist veraltet oder nicht vorhanden


    Folgende Datei müssen neu erstellt werden: RUN_TESTS_force

    wenn ich ja klicke, fängt er an
    dann aber fehlermeldungen. kann ich jetzt nicht genau sagen, weil ich nicht an meinem stammrechner bin. wenn ich mir recht entsinne, findet er gewisse h-dateinen nicht.


    wollte VTK 'installieren'. wenn ich dann im visual c++ das testprogram ausprobier geht das nie. obwohl ich denke alle schritte davor richtig gemacht hab. hatte jemand von euch ein ähnliches problem und hat eine lösung gefunden?
