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    You have an idea or technology and want to start your company? You are asking yourself: What’s the 'best' way to start my own business? How do I put together a good core team? How do I know if my idea is promising and what's the right business model for it?
    Take the opportunity. Become part of the Founders Battle and get valuable support along the way. We connect you with like-minded people and assist you in developing a sound business concept with the help of the WhatAVenture tool. While taking part in the Founders Battle, you will get insights and feedback by internationally renowned startup mentors and get further connected to key players along the way. Convince the jury of your business idea and take part in the final round of the battle to win attractive prizes and get connections to early stage investors

    • EUR 5,000 in cash
    • Legal services in the value of EUR 7,500 by Brandl & Talos ***
    • Corporate Design/Product Design in the value of EUR 7,500 by New Design University and EUR 1,000 in cash by accent
    • Intensive Workshop with the Improove team to work on your Google ranking
    • Mentoring and coaching by CONDA to prepare and execute a sound financial strategy
    • Etc.

    You find more information about prizes here:
    You want to be part of the Founders Battle? It does not matter, whether you have already a startup project or just an idea, whether you are alone or part of a team. Register now and join the Founders Battle Kick-off in Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg or Vienna.

    Would be great to see some bright TU minds at the kick-off and rocking the Founders Battle.



    Registration deadline: 20st of October 2013
    Kick-off dates:

    • 21.10. Innsbruck
    • 21.10. Linz
    • 23.10. Salzburg
    • 24.10. Graz
    • 25.10. Wien

    Register for the Founders Battle now (limited spots):

    To get more information about the Founders Battle go to:

    The Founders Battle on Facebook: