Beiträge von steschulte

    The Institute of Information Systems Engineering at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Distributed Systems Group, is offering a full-time position for a PhD student for an initial term of one year; an extension of the contract to four years is foreseen. The selected PhD candidate will work under the supervision of Stefan Schulte. The main goal of this position is to research and develop techniques and models for realizing blockchain interoperability.

    The selected candidates will be employed full-time by TU Wien. Entry level salary as a pre-doc researcher (40 hours/week) is covered by level B1 of the Austrian Collective Agreement for university staff with a minimum salary of currently EUR 2794.60 EUR/month gross, 14 times/year.


    For this position, a very good Diploma or Master university degree in computer science, informatics, business informatics, or a related discipline is expected.

    ###We offer###

    * A creative environment in one of the most livable cities in the world

    * A young and international team of researchers

    * Supervision and support for writing your PhD thesis by world-class researchers

    * A work environment that is well-equipped with the newest hardware and software technology

    * Continuing personal and professional education

    * The possibility to present your research results at international top conferences

    * The opportunity for stays abroad at international partner universities

    ###We expect###

    * In-depth interest in scientific problems and the motivation for independent and goal-oriented research

    * The ability to develop methods, concepts, and models, as well as their realization and evaluation

    * The willingness to contribute to an industry-oriented scientific project

    * Very good programming skills

    * Very good knowledge about and passion for distributed systems

    * Knowledge in blockchain technology or cryptography is a plus

    * Very good scientific communication and writing skills

    * Very good knowledge in English communication and writing

    * Prior experience as research assistant, as documented by project results or scientific publications, is a plus

    Please direct your complete application pack - including a motivation letter, a current CV, academic transcripts and certificates, and a digital copy of your latest thesis - to Applications from female candidates are highly encouraged. The starting date can be negotiated but it is expected that the selected candidate can start no later than April 2019.

    Deadline for applications: December 10th, 2018. For further information please contact Assistant Prof. Stefan Schulte ( and see

    Der Arbeitsbereich Distributed Systems (Univ. Prof. Dr. Schahram Dustdar) sucht voraussichtlich ab 1.10.2016 für die Dauer von 4 Jahren, Gehaltsgruppe B1, einen Prädoc mit einem Beschäftigungsausmaß von 25 Wochenstunden. Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Verwendung beträgt derzeit € 1.685,30 brutto (14xjährlich).

    Aufgrund tätigkeitsbezogener Vorerfahrungen kann sich das Entgelt erhöhen. Es ist geplant, über Projektaktivitäten das Stundenausmaß der Beschäftigung auf 40 Wochenstunden zu erhöhen.


    abgeschlossenes Magister-, Diplom-, Masterstudium der Fachrichtung Informatik oder Wirtschaftsinformatik bzw. gleichwertiges Universitätsstudium im In- oder Ausland

    Sonstige Kenntnisse:

    Verteilte Systeme, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things

    bis 6. Juli 2016

    Bewerbungen richten Sie bitte an die Personaladministration, Fachbereich wiss. Personal der TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien. Onlinebewerbungen an
    Die Bewerber_innen haben keinen Anspruch auf Abgeltung angefallener Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstanden sind.

    The Distributed Systems Group at the Vienna University of Technology has an open, fulltime position for a PhD student (3 years) The expected candidate will work on the recently started Horizon 2020 project "Cloud-based Rapid Elastic MAnufacturing (CREMA)" under the supervision of Stefan Schulte and Schahram Dustdar.

    The main goal of this position is to research and develop techniques and models for making Cloud manufacturing a reality, with a specific focus on Cloud technologies, their integration into business processes and application in manufacturing.

    The selected candidate will be employed full time by the Vienna University of Technology. The fulltime funded PhD student will work 40 hours/week and receive a salary at level B1 (currently 2662.90 EUR/month gross, 14 times/year).

    We offer:

    • A creative environment in one of the most livable cities in the world
    • A young and international team of researchers
    • Supervision and support for writing your PhD thesis by world-class researchers
    • Continuing personal and professional education
    • The possibility to present your research results at international top conferences
    • The opportunity for stays abroad at international partner universities

    We expect:

    • A very good master degree (or equivalent) in computer science, informatics, business informatics, or a related discipline
    • In-depth interest in scientific problems and the motivation for independent and goal-oriented research
    • The ability to develop methods, concepts, and models, as well as their realization and evaluation
    • The willingness to contribute to interdisciplinary scientific projects
    • Very good programming skills
    • Knowledge in Cloud Computing technologies is a must
    • Knowledge in Business Process Management and Internet of Things technologies is a plus, but not a necessity
    • Very good scientific communication and writing skills
    • Proficiency in English communication and writing

    Please direct your complete application pack - including a letter of motivation, a current CV, academic transcripts and certificates, and a digital copy of your latest thesis to:

    Stefan Schulte|Schahram Dustdar
    Distributed Systems Group

    Applications from female candidates are highly encouraged. The deadline for applying to this position is 10.02.2015. The decision will be announced within 2 weeks. The starting date can be negotiated but it is expected that the candidate is able to start not later than May 2015.