Beiträge von wertwerk

    You want to chance the market to create a new solution and business?!
    Looking for meaningful challenges?

    We have found a product and niche that gives people time and makes information easier to understand.
    We use our ears as a efficient transmission medium.
    The POC (Ruby, Mongol LAB on AWS and native Android App ) is finished and live, know we have to bring it to a more professional level.

    You have experience in designing and developing a Web - Application! - AngularJS, Scala..
    You are ingenious in creating structured clean software code!
    Experience creating database models (SQL and No SQL)! (MonogoDB...)
    It also remains to develop the IOS App (could be mad outside)

    You don´t want to be a programmer mercenaries.
    You want to move forward as a Partner with your work customize and earn.
    Conversion and optimization: workload 2 months / 50h/d +
    Published: September 2015
    Revenue: November 2015
    Scalable and impressive growth rates
    Possible Partnership: 20%!

    Partner companies:
    Office: 1090 Wien
    Tel: 00436769090609
    Name: Mag.Ing. Georg Kerschbaum