Beiträge von IzabelaWAD

    Hey everybody!

    I'm not sure if you saw my post already, but WeAreDevelopers are having a last call for Volunteers to help around the WeAreDevs 2018 Congress! If you are someone who's interested in technology and wants to see great speakers such as Steve Wozniak, John Romero and many more, please don't hesitate to apply.
    You can apply by sending me an email that you can find on the following link:
    Here you can also see what the positions are and what we offer from our side.

    Hope we get to talk soon and all the best!


    Ich sehe das ehrlich gesagt auch nicht so dramatisch wie JohnFoo. Freiwilligenarbeit gegen die Möglichkeit dort dann bei Talks und Workshops mitmachen zu können ist eigentlich bei einer Vielzahl an Kongressen, Conventions und mehrtägigen Workshops üblich. Klar könnte man auch Leute gegen Bezahlung einstellen. Die würden dann eben wirklich die Zeit durcharbeiten und hätten außer ihrer Mittagspause keine Zeit irgendwo am Programm teilzunehmen. So hat man Leute dort, die sich wirklich für das Thema interessieren und engagieren (dementsprechend motiviert sind), sich einen Besuch sonst vermutlich nicht leisten könnten und denen trotzdem genug Zeit und Flexibilität zugestanden wird, damit sie viele Programmteile, die sie interessieren, besuchen können.
    Anders sähe es aus, wenn die Leute wirklich die ganze Zeit über 100% Anwesenheit und Leistung erbringen müssten, ohne eine Gegenleistung dafür zu bekommen. Aber das ist wie gesagt normalerweise nicht wie Freiwilligenarbeit bei solchen Veranstaltungen funktioniert.

    Thank you for your input!

    Dear JohnFoo,

    this opportunity is exactly for the people who do not want to/can not pay for the ticket and still wish to see the keynotes and workshops of their interest, network and all in all engage with like-minded developers in order to exchange ideas and learn from one another. If you participated last year and for some reason weren't satisfied with the outcome, I understand and I am sorry, but one can not change the past. As it says in the name itself, volunteering is an activity for which you don't get paid for. However, we will try to compensate our hardworking volunteers with something more valuable this year than ''just'' giving them the ticket and everything that goes with it. But thanks for your input.


    Dear tech enthusiasts,

    we are looking for motivated and ambitious team of Volunteers for this year's WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2018. Since we expect over 8000 attendees and 150 speakers (including Steve Wozniak himself!) we need some extra helping hands. As a volunteer you are granted with a Congress Pass, which allows you to enjoy several benefits such as accessing 50+ keynotes, 25+ workshops, lounges, Expo area, entry to our developer playground and After-party. You will also be provided with food and beverages and last but not least you can also get a reference from our side for your future engagements. If interested, here is the link to the application, below there's also a little fact sheet attached and hopefully I will be hearing from you soon!


    Contact person:

    All best,