Thanks for the quick answer, but there's no .lib file in the i downloaded. Do I have do process the original files before I can use them as library?
Beiträge von Dadar
I am trying to include an image library to eclipse... but just get following error message:
g++ -LC:\MinGW -LC:\librariesC\CImg149 -oCImgSd.exe CImgSd.o -lCImg
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.6.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lCImgI already added the library search paths, where the 1. MinGw and 2. CImg files are, in Project properties - C/C++Build - Settings
First in GCC C++ Compiler - includes
second in GCC C Compiler - includes
third in MinGW C++ Linker - librariesFurthermore I added the name of of the lib file 'CImg' to the second and third.
The file it should find is 'CImg.h' and it is placed in the C:\MinGW -LC:\librariesC\CImg149 folder.
I am using windows7 and added C:\MinGW\bin to the path variable
Or is it maybe a mingw problem, someone knows a better C++ Compiler, which I can use easily with an image processing library?
Someone knows what's wrong, because I'm googling for three days right now and tried many things but nothing worked out...