Beiträge von lilyve

    I am in a guild with some friends and ex daoc players from hib excal. The guild were are in atm is called Deadly, although we may change back to being called Vengeance(our old daoc guild).I find GW quiet fun, the pve isn't bad and has a story line u follow. The pvp is fast paced and really interesting aswell. It would be nice to see more ex DAOC peeps around though.And i would agree to what was said earlier, there isn't really any community in this game, but if your in a nice enough guild then it doesnt matter so much.


    Are you hesitating?
    Are you thinking about?
    How step up the status of the game ?
    Oh ! Please don’t hesitate again!


    "We are extremely pleased the game has been so well received in such a short amount of time," said ArenaNet co-founder Michael O'Brien. "Our commitment to our players is consistently to provide high-level support for the game through frequent gameplay and content updates and we believe that's a big reason why we have so many people playing the game today."


    Are you hesitating?
    Are you thinking about?
    How step up the status of the game ?
    Oh ! Please don’t hesitate again!
