• Hi to all,
    i am a newbie in Haskell, and it has recently become my nightmare.. i have several years of programming experince, but i have never been stuck like this..
    please share your knowlodge, if you have any about my problem.. so here is my basic and first problem;
    i have a text file and lines in it, i need to get the contents of the file line by line to a list in my program..

    Then i will process the list in some way this is not the deal.. the big deal is how do i get the contents of the file line by line to a list !?
    i will appreciate any help.. Thanks..

    (Ich kann Deutsch nicht ganz erklären, deshalb musste ich Egnlisch geschrieben)

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.informatik-forum.at/pics/nb/statusicon/user_offline.gif]

  • Zitat von rose1000

    i have a text file and lines in it, i need to get the contents of the file line by line to a list in my program..

    main = do
      c <- getContents
      let ls0 = lines c
      let ls1 = map process_line ls0
      putStr (unlines ls1)
    process_line xs = drop 3 xs


    $ cat txt

    $ cat txt | runhugs test.hs

Jetzt mitmachen!

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