paid per hour (negotiable)
work from home/"i don't care"
free time management (as long as you get it done)
no contact with DAU's, Users or "The Management".
~ 7-10 hours / week
until May 2012 (maybe even longer)
Well now the downsites: It's Java;
You can't test the whole package as of security limitations
from your client. The stuff to be developed is just some
basic Interfacing stuff, so the protocolls and API's are already
defined you will be mostly doing small enhancements or
new features.
I'm the Lead Developer in that project I'll be doing the architectural
designs which will be implemented by you.
If you are able to:
+) work! = estimate effords = meet deadlines
+) hack! = understand the thing = change it, fast!
+) deliver clean solutions and think out of the box
+) are able to do it yourself; 'cause if i have to help you i'd rather do it myself