Raiffeisen Research is looking for translators (German to English)

  • Raiffeisen Research is looking for applicants for an internal translation team to translate our publications from German to English. As a research house within Raiffeisen Bank International, we analyze the economy as a whole with analyses that also focus on specific aspects of the world economy (i.e. bond and equity markets, currency exchange, etc.). We send publications out on both a weekly and daily basis to internal customers and the leading financial news agencies and research houses in both languages. If you are interested in joining our team and fulfill the requirements listed below, please send us your CV!

    What you must do:

    • Translate Raiffeisen Research texts from German to English written by our own analysts
    • Coordinate with analysts and layout department in creating formatted publications
    • When required, correct English texts written by analysts that do not speak English as a first language

    What you must have:

    • English as a first language or speak/write English as well as a native speaker
    • Fluency in the German language
    • Familiarity with Microsoft Office, specifically Word, Excel and PowerPoint
    • Excellent communication and time management skills

    What we would like you to have:

    • Basic understanding of financial markets (equity, bond, currency)

    Salary is €16/hour and you will be officially working as a freelancer, meaning you get paid only when you work.

    If you think you are right for the job, send us your CV in PDF format (with or without photo) via email to:

    David Wietstruk – david.wietstruk@rbinternational.com
    +43 1 71707-6781

    Please include in CC the following email address: raiffeisen.translation@gmail.com

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von RBIResearch (5. Februar 2012 um 10:46)

  • Bundesgesetz über die Gleichbehandlung, §9 Abs. 2:


    (2) Der/die Arbeitgeber/in oder private Arbeitsvermittler/in gemäß den §§ 2 ff des Arbeitsmarktförderungsgesetzes oder eine mit der Arbeitsvermittlung betraute juristische Person öffentlichen Rechts ist verpflichtet, in der Ausschreibung das für den ausgeschriebenen Arbeitsplatz geltende kollektivvertragliche oder das durch Gesetz oder andere Normen der kollektiven Rechtsgestaltung geltende Mindestentgelt anzugeben und auf die Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung hinzuweisen, wenn eine solche besteht.

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